
Everything that goes on in Robert's life is recorded here. Well, not everything.


Books and Stories
Building a MAME cabinet
Build a Light Box
Sword of Omens
Mass Effect Gun
Miscellaneous Projects
2013 Florida Trip
Mac Programs
Dino Comic
Comic Archive
Solar Air Engine
Gates of Shadow


Book: Random stuff on my kindle.

Game: Alan Wake.

Lenovo thin notebook (carried in briefcase)
M1 Mac Mini (Main machine)
Early 2008 8-core Mac Pro (downstairs machine)
2017 MacBook Pro (used for tabletop gaming)
Custom Built 6-core Intel Gaming PC
iMac from a customer (Bedroom, not used much honestly)

Recently Completed Projects:

Beating the System:A litRPG in the Pyre setting. Yes, we're turning it into a litRPG. A group of 4 go on an adventure to see why the physical laws of the universe have changed again, and how they're going to deal with the fact the Heavens can no longer be contacted. All while blue boxes help, haunt, and taunt them. Well, maybe not that last one. Finished on or around October of 2023

Emberhaven:Book 1, the first part of our adventures in Gloomhaven, the board game, as reimagined by sticking it into the lands of Pyre. Finished January of 2024

Super Excited:An isekai story about a pure soul that is allowed the choice of Heaven or going "sideways" to another world. Set in a not quite Pyre setting but using mostly Paragon rules, our heroine spends her first week in the new world but some other kid actually saves the kingdom?

Current Projects:

Emberhaven:Book 2. This is my recording of the group of us (very slowly) playing Gloomhaven but with Embers of Pyre rules. Completed chapter 16 on 8/10/24.

Save the Future:Pony Style. This is my recording of the group of us playing the My Little Pony RPG with me as the GM. Completed chapter 15 on 8/10/24.

Stalled Projects:

Breaking the System:a litRPG in the Pyre setting. Sequel to Beating the System, but you probably already figured that. Having figured out where The System came from, now our heroes have to figure out what this all means for them and the world. Olaph experiments with his new magic, social problems are solved, but why does something seem insistent they not bring technology back? Early stages, as of 8-1-24 I've only done 16 chapters. More to come. I have many notes but not the full notes, if you will. Stalled because I'm running the pony game and writing that book. I want to finish it, and will finish it! But writing two books (even with Emberhaven only happening once a month or so) it's tough to find the time. I don't want to write it in fits-and-starts I want to get into it and just finish it. You get it.

Paragon Character Generator: Version 1 is abandoned for the more flexible and fully featured version 2. It can still be downloaded from the Tremorworks section. Useful as a tutorial for LiveCode I guess.

Version 2:Seemingly in perpetual beta. It looks a lot different, not being modeled on a direct 1:1 character sheet, so it can include a lot more, like a spell list, people and places section, and more. The current version can be downloaded from the Tremorworks section.

This will, sadly, never be updated again because LiveCode is no longer open source. I'm not paying hundreds of dollars a year for the privilege of working on my little toy. Once the current version no longer works for me I'll probably have to redo it as a native MacOS app again. Unfortunate but at least somewhat doable. While I am not doing that I've remade what I can in a spreadsheet. We haven't done too many paragon games lately and when we do it's with the old laptop that can still run it, so it's not an issue yet.

Possibly Abandoned Projects:

The Lysanias Chronicles: The sequel to the Lysanias trilogy of Out of the Flood, Becoming the Villain, and Conspiracy in the Clouds. Read about them in the books section!
Just as with Susan, it follows Lysanias around as he hops between worlds.
Current progress: World 11, ???????.

Element Mining: A match 3 game written in C# using the Unity game engine. The basic story is that you are a teleport system operator on a space station, teleporting various elements up from a planet's surface as they are mined. But the beam works best when it grabs 3 or more samples at once so you have to group them before they're teleported.
Progress: The "main" part of the game works, the "store" part works. Need to just polish it up, put in sound effects, the opening and ending screens, the save files need to work, there's basically still a ton to do.
picture of element mining

No Easy Answers: Demongate High book 6, detailing the adventures of Hisoka, the Seer. Second daughter of Dean and Yasui, she has her share of troubles, as she works for the Foundation. One night she gets a call from her sister that her talents are needed, and her story and Ericka's join together. Only wrote about half of it.

Progress: Stalled. The other books haven't sold so I have no incentive to finish this one, or the following ones I had planned that detail the lives of the rest of his kids.

Happiness is a New Zombie:Another Pyre novel, this book focuses on a man named Anton who specializes in necromancy. He uses his various zombies to show the world the undead aren't all bad, nor is every necromancer an evil villain trying to take over the world.
He and the people he meets have some adventures and maybe do some good. Or maybe not?
Current progress: 17 chapters, that I probably need to rewrite. I realized it wasn't exactly going in the direction I wanted but I was 60,000 words into it. I need to have the "main" bad guy show up earlier I think, and weave it together better.